欧美邮件中的加入社交媒体(SNS)元素已经是非常普遍,从而这2个行业开始得到整合。从广告主使用Facebook得到粉丝的邮件信息进行促销,Exacttarget 收购SNS软件厂商,再到Omniture开始支持SNS监测,无一例外都预示着这个趋势。










1. 2011年1月,著名的Emailvision收购社交媒体营销公司ObjectiveMarketer 2. 2011年2月,服务中小客户的Constant Contact宣布收购Bantam Live公司,作价1500万美金。 3. 2010年3月,巨头ExactTarget收购社交媒体营销公司CoTweet 4. 此外还有更早以前,2009年10月美国巨头Respsonsys收购知名的邮件创意营销公司Smith Harmon未来的ESP会慢慢在自己的产品里,包含更多的其他产品比方SMS,SNS,网站分析工具。这个趋势已经势不可挡了。

Smith-Harmon发布2010 邮件设计精选(23P-彩页,15M,PDF) 入选品牌:Adobe, Amazon, Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, Beach Park, Nike, Urban Outfitters and Uncommon Goods.


邮件营销在中国一直致力于分享国内外优秀的邮件营销策略,技巧,案例。之前的很多文章,比方”推荐好友订阅邮件—SmartBargains案例一则” / “全美零售行业电子邮件退订研究” / 2010年北美在线零售邮件趋势“均来Chad White以及其团队,Chad White是著名邮件营销网站Retailemailblog.com的创始人,致力于研究北美零售企业的邮件营销策略和趋势,是本行业的先锋人物。

Chad现任职Responsys——北美多渠道营销巨头Responsys(NASDAQ: MKTG),今年4月其在纳斯达克成功IPO。

1. 能与读者分享下你的背景和工作经历吗?

我其实学新闻专业的。一开始在Condé Nast网站工作了几年,研究零售商如何运用当时的IT技术,之后加入道琼斯负责面向在线零售商的Newsletter项目,通过注册订阅在线零售公司的邮件,了解到很多关于网站改版以及提高网站效能等方面信息。

Retail Email Blog一直独立营运着,我也在Email Experience Council早期工作了一段时间。一年后EEC被DMA收购,随后加盟的Smith-Harmon也在去年被到Responsys买下。Retail Email Blog这个网站已经运作了5年了,超过2000个帖子,并发布了很多业内报告和最佳实践。我很幸运,天时地利人和,恰到好处。

2. 作为在线零售商邮件营销领域的专家,你是如何看待邮件营销的策略的?



3. 要使邮件营销活动成功,必要掌握的技能又哪些?


4. 你如何看待邮件营销的未来,特别是中国的情况?


5. 还有哪些从业者我可以采访,请推荐?

我推荐你可以采访下Silverpop的Loren McDonald。Responsys澳洲分部的老大Simon O’Day也是不错的人选,他非常熟悉亚太市场的邮件营销。

1. Could you share with us your background and experience?

My background is actually in journalism.

I worked for Condé Nast for several years, covering how retailers use technology, and later for Dow Jones & Co., heading up a newsletter on online retailing. One of the ways that we got leads was by signing up for retailers’ email programs so we would learn about website relaunches and other website improvements. I started the Retail Email Blog as a side-project and ended up joining the Email Experience Council when it was in its infancy. About a year after the EEC was acquired by the Direct Marketing Association, I joined Smith-Harmon, which was subsequently been acquired by Responsys.

During the five years since starting my blog, I’ve written nearly 2,000 blog posts and dozens of research reports on retailers’ email marketing practices. I’ve been fortunate to have been in just the right place at the right time.

2. You are an active evangelist for “email marketing for online retailers”. How do you define its strategies?

The chief challenge for retailers is to gradually make their emails more relevant to their subscribers by using segmentation, dynamic content and triggered emails. Because of rising expectations and steady year-over-year increases in email frequency, email programs have to become more sophisticated to keep their subscribers.

Retailers have lots of information about their customers—from purchase histories and browsing behavior to data from other channels like social media—but more retailers need to use that information to increase the relevancy of their emails.

Another big challenge is the impact of other channels on email. Mobile is on the cusp of having a huge influence on email design and content tactics. Tablets will affect email design as well. Social media will continue to affect email, especially as email clients and social media platforms converge.

3. What are the must-have skills/attributes that are important to be successful in email marketing field?

Email marketing is constantly evolving, both technologically and in terms of consumer expectations. So being flexible and curious are musts. Email marketers should always be testing and learning. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about email marketing and I’m routinely surprised by what works and doesn’t work for particular brands.

4.Could you share with us your opinion for the future of email marketing, especially in China?

I’m not an expert on email marketing in China, but my understanding is that it’s still in the early days and that search is a big focus currently. Chinese marketers are in a great position to benefit from the email marketing pioneers in the U.S. and Europe who have been refining best practices over the past decade.

Also, a strong search program can help marketers build a strong email marketing content strategy. Key words that drive traffic for search should become the topics of your emails.

5. Who would you recommend us to interview?

I have a ton of respect for Loren McDonald of Silverpop. Also, Simon O’Day, who heads up our Australian office, is very knowledgeable of trends in the Asia Pacific region.



  • Inbox    — 邮件进入收件箱
  • Spam     — 邮件进入垃圾邮件箱
  • Missing  — 邮件丢失

全球市场 —— 81%的邮件进入收件箱,7%进入垃圾邮件箱,12%丢失

全球市场与各大洲对比 —— 北美,欧洲收件箱达到分别到达了86%,84%,中美洲大幅低于平均指标只有63%,亚太地区78%



中国与澳洲比较 —— 澳洲收件箱达到率89%,高于亚太地区的78%。中国情况糟糕只有58%,高达39%的邮件丢失


邮件营销在中国一直致力于分享国内外优秀的邮件营销策略,技巧,案例。之前的很多文章,比方”推荐好友订阅邮件—SmartBargains案例一则” / “全美零售行业电子邮件退订研究” / 2010年北美在线零售邮件趋势“均来Chad White以及其团队,Chad White是著名邮件营销网站Retailemailblog.com的创始人,致力于研究北美零售企业的邮件营销策略和趋势,是本行业的先锋人物。

Chad现任职Responsys——北美多渠道营销巨头Responsys(NASDAQ: MKTG),今年4月其在纳斯达克成功IPO。

1. 能与读者分享下你的背景和工作经历吗?

我其实学新闻专业的。一开始在Condé Nast网站工作了几年,研究零售商如何运用当时的IT技术,之后加入道琼斯负责面向在线零售商的Newsletter项目,通过注册订阅在线零售公司的邮件,了解到很多关于网站改版以及提高网站效能等方面信息。

Retail Email Blog一直独立营运着,我也在Email Experience Council早期工作了一段时间。一年后EEC被DMA收购,随后加盟的Smith-Harmon也在去年被到Responsys买下。Retail Email Blog这个网站已经运作了5年了,超过2000个帖子,并发布了很多业内报告和最佳实践。我很幸运,天时地利人和,恰到好处。

2. 作为在线零售商邮件营销领域的专家,你是如何看待邮件营销的策略的?



3. 要使邮件营销活动成功,必要掌握的技能又哪些?


4. 你如何看待邮件营销的未来,特别是中国的情况?


5. 还有哪些从业者我可以采访,请推荐?

我推荐你可以采访下Silverpop的Loren McDonald。Responsys澳洲分部的老大Simon O’Day也是不错的人选,他非常熟悉亚太市场的邮件营销。

1. Could you share with us your background and experience?

My background is actually in journalism.

I worked for Condé Nast for several years, covering how retailers use technology, and later for Dow Jones & Co., heading up a newsletter on online retailing. One of the ways that we got leads was by signing up for retailers’ email programs so we would learn about website relaunches and other website improvements. I started the Retail Email Blog as a side-project and ended up joining the Email Experience Council when it was in its infancy. About a year after the EEC was acquired by the Direct Marketing Association, I joined Smith-Harmon, which was subsequently been acquired by Responsys.

During the five years since starting my blog, I’ve written nearly 2,000 blog posts and dozens of research reports on retailers’ email marketing practices. I’ve been fortunate to have been in just the right place at the right time.

2. You are an active evangelist for “email marketing for online retailers”. How do you define its strategies?

The chief challenge for retailers is to gradually make their emails more relevant to their subscribers by using segmentation, dynamic content and triggered emails. Because of rising expectations and steady year-over-year increases in email frequency, email programs have to become more sophisticated to keep their subscribers.

Retailers have lots of information about their customers—from purchase histories and browsing behavior to data from other channels like social media—but more retailers need to use that information to increase the relevancy of their emails.

Another big challenge is the impact of other channels on email. Mobile is on the cusp of having a huge influence on email design and content tactics. Tablets will affect email design as well. Social media will continue to affect email, especially as email clients and social media platforms converge.

3. What are the must-have skills/attributes that are important to be successful in email marketing field?

Email marketing is constantly evolving, both technologically and in terms of consumer expectations. So being flexible and curious are musts. Email marketers should always be testing and learning. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about email marketing and I’m routinely surprised by what works and doesn’t work for particular brands.

4.Could you share with us your opinion for the future of email marketing, especially in China?

I’m not an expert on email marketing in China, but my understanding is that it’s still in the early days and that search is a big focus currently. Chinese marketers are in a great position to benefit from the email marketing pioneers in the U.S. and Europe who have been refining best practices over the past decade.

Also, a strong search program can help marketers build a strong email marketing content strategy. Key words that drive traffic for search should become the topics of your emails.

5. Who would you recommend us to interview?

I have a ton of respect for Loren McDonald of Silverpop. Also, Simon O’Day, who heads up our Australian office, is very knowledgeable of trends in the Asia Pacific region.

今年1月,Responsys 发布2010年北美在线零售邮件趋势(Retail Email Year-End Trends for 2010)。从趋势上看,去年美国在线零售已经开始复苏到金融危机前的水平,商家们通过邮件发送了更多的促销内容。


  1. 过去的几年中,商业邮件发送量保持着2位数的增长,并且在2010年呈现快速上升的势头,自2007年至2010年,发送量总体增长了61%
  2. 2010年,每位订阅者平均每年收到:152 封,比2009年增长16%
  3. 2010年,每位订阅者平均每月收到12.7封,每周2.9封


  1. 前10个月,每位订阅者平均每月收到11.8封
  2. 11月以及12月,每位订阅者平均每月收到17.3封
  3. 11月同比增长24%,为最高增长月
  4. 7月同比增长8%,为最低增长月




Cyber Monday已连续第四年成为节日促销首选。在2010年的11月29日,77%的零售公司发送了至少一封促销邮件,高于去年的71%。另外Black Friday作为重要促销节日,在下面的排行中占据了多个席位。

Responsys 本周发布了 2011 Email Design Look Book(PDF,24页,全彩,32M),我一直很喜欢他们的报告以及Look Book,由衷地感谢Responsys的同仁。下载点击这里


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邮件营销在中国一直致力于分享国内外优秀的邮件营销策略,技巧,案例。之前的很多文章,比方”推荐好友订阅邮件—SmartBargains案例一则” / “全美零售行业电子邮件退订研究” / 2010年北美在线零售邮件趋势“均来Chad White以及其团队,Chad White是著名邮件营销网站Retailemailblog.com的创始人,致力于研究北美零售企业的邮件营销策略和趋势,是本行业的先锋人物。

Chad现任职Responsys——北美多渠道营销巨头Responsys(NASDAQ: MKTG),今年4月其在纳斯达克成功IPO。

1. 能与读者分享下你的背景和工作经历吗?

我其实学新闻专业的。一开始在Condé Nast网站工作了几年,研究零售商如何运用当时的IT技术,之后加入道琼斯负责面向在线零售商的Newsletter项目,通过注册订阅在线零售公司的邮件,了解到很多关于网站改版以及提高网站效能等方面信息。

Retail Email Blog一直独立营运着,我也在Email Experience Council早期工作了一段时间。一年后EEC被DMA收购,随后加盟的Smith-Harmon也在去年被到Responsys买下。Retail Email Blog这个网站已经运作了5年了,超过2000个帖子,并发布了很多业内报告和最佳实践。我很幸运,天时地利人和,恰到好处。

2. 作为在线零售商邮件营销领域的专家,你是如何看待邮件营销的策略的?



3. 要使邮件营销活动成功,必要掌握的技能又哪些?


4. 你如何看待邮件营销的未来,特别是中国的情况?


5. 还有哪些从业者我可以采访,请推荐?

我推荐你可以采访下Silverpop的Loren McDonald。Responsys澳洲分部的老大Simon O’Day也是不错的人选,他非常熟悉亚太市场的邮件营销。

1. Could you share with us your background and experience?

My background is actually in journalism.

I worked for Condé Nast for several years, covering how retailers use technology, and later for Dow Jones & Co., heading up a newsletter on online retailing. One of the ways that we got leads was by signing up for retailers’ email programs so we would learn about website relaunches and other website improvements. I started the Retail Email Blog as a side-project and ended up joining the Email Experience Council when it was in its infancy. About a year after the EEC was acquired by the Direct Marketing Association, I joined Smith-Harmon, which was subsequently been acquired by Responsys.

During the five years since starting my blog, I’ve written nearly 2,000 blog posts and dozens of research reports on retailers’ email marketing practices. I’ve been fortunate to have been in just the right place at the right time.

2. You are an active evangelist for “email marketing for online retailers”. How do you define its strategies?

The chief challenge for retailers is to gradually make their emails more relevant to their subscribers by using segmentation, dynamic content and triggered emails. Because of rising expectations and steady year-over-year increases in email frequency, email programs have to become more sophisticated to keep their subscribers.

Retailers have lots of information about their customers—from purchase histories and browsing behavior to data from other channels like social media—but more retailers need to use that information to increase the relevancy of their emails.

Another big challenge is the impact of other channels on email. Mobile is on the cusp of having a huge influence on email design and content tactics. Tablets will affect email design as well. Social media will continue to affect email, especially as email clients and social media platforms converge.

3. What are the must-have skills/attributes that are important to be successful in email marketing field?

Email marketing is constantly evolving, both technologically and in terms of consumer expectations. So being flexible and curious are musts. Email marketers should always be testing and learning. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about email marketing and I’m routinely surprised by what works and doesn’t work for particular brands.

4.Could you share with us your opinion for the future of email marketing, especially in China?

I’m not an expert on email marketing in China, but my understanding is that it’s still in the early days and that search is a big focus currently. Chinese marketers are in a great position to benefit from the email marketing pioneers in the U.S. and Europe who have been refining best practices over the past decade.

Also, a strong search program can help marketers build a strong email marketing content strategy. Key words that drive traffic for search should become the topics of your emails.

5. Who would you recommend us to interview?

I have a ton of respect for Loren McDonald of Silverpop. Also, Simon O’Day, who heads up our Australian office, is very knowledgeable of trends in the Asia Pacific region.

Responsys 上周发布 2012 Email Design Look Book(全彩PDF,25页,4.7M),在今年分享的案例中,有几则让人惊喜连连,大家也许都没有想到如此有趣的玩法(包括我自己)。

即使在图片无法的时候,Pizza Express的生日祝福邮件还是传达了很多信息,收件人的姓名,以及在利用背景图片创造了一个卡通的大厨。

简短煽动性的行动口号,无疑给皇家盲人协会的这封邮件加了很多分。和Pizza Express一样,这样的创新很生动,并且有效(点击率超过22%)


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